Victor Cicansky
Tree of Knowledge (2018)
Artist: Victor Cicansky
Location: University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan
Material: EPS, Masonry, Scenic Paint, Industrial Coatings
Today, most people live virtual lives playing with their technological toys and have lost their connection to planet earth. Scooping up handfuls of garden soil or walking barefoot in the garden, allows your skin to breathe and absorb vitamins and minerals from the soil. They do not understand that we are part of nature and that our bodies are made up of the same elements, minerals, and energy that make up this planet. Life comes from the Soil.
Excerpt from Cicansky, V. (2018, June 5). Blogspot.
The source of my work is the garden of the mind. It's a place that goes beyond soil, plants, and insects. It's a rough and wild place where ideas grow and hybridize. It's a garden that provides me with a rich source of ideas that I fashion into a universe of personal expression.
Excerpt from Cicansky, V. (1998, October). Victor Cicansky - Sculptor.
Photography courtesy of Carvel Creative
Project Details
Victor Cicansky's original work, Tree of Knowledge, was created from ceramic, standing 44.5 inches tall. Carvel was asked to re-create the iconic artwork at 8 feet tall while maintaining the look and feel of the original. After scanning, digital touch up, and scaling, the Tree of Knowledge was milled from a spray-applied masonry material, given a steel interior armature, and painted to match the original's vibrant and impactful colour. Throughout the design, fabrication, and installation process, Carvel's commitment to achieve an authentic reproduction by the members of our skilled team led this work to a truly successful conclusion.